No wedding is really complete without a round of celebratory speeches. They can really add a sense of class to your reception�and they can also be a mixture of inspiration and humor. You may not remember the exact words of the speeches a month after your wedding�but you�ll certainly recall the sentiment expressed.
The Father of the Bride�s Words of Wisdom
Nothing is quite so touching as the father of the bride getting up before his beloved daughter and her spouse and saying a few words. Traditionally, the bride�s father welcomes the groom�s parents, the relatives of both families, and honored guests. He then formally welcomes the groom to his family and delivers some fond remarks about his daughter. He should end by calling upon the best man to propose a toast for the health and happiness of the newly-married couple.
A Memorable Moment from the Best Man
The best man generally acts as the toastmaster for the event. His speech should be whimsical and light. In fact, the best man�s talk is usually the highlight of the reception line-up. Generally, the best man ends his speech with some heartfelt words of appreciation for the groom and glowing remarks about the bride. After the best man�s speech and toast, some newly-weds like their guests to help them make a wedding time capsule to keep memories of their special day and trends of that year.
Sage Advice from the Father of the Groom
At times, the father of the groom may also be called upon to give a few words. This is not necessary, and may be waived in some cases. However, if you like the idea of a lively reception, a speech by the father of the groom may be in order. He would be expected to say some brief remarks about his son and welcome the bride to his family.
A Fond Remembrance from the Maid of Honor
The maid of honor�s remarks should reflect her relationship with the bride. It�s a good idea if she tells a funny story about her newly-married friend. She might also offer words of wisdom to the couple, and express her best wishes for a happy marriage.
No Hard-and-Fast Rules
Unlike weddings, Southern California wedding receptions do not necessarily have hard-and-fast rules. Because there�s excitement in spontaneity, the speeches can have a spur-of-the-moment feel to them. The important thing is that any speeches given reflect a celebratory mood and lift the spirits of the bridal party.
Article By: Michelle O�Connor, Outdoor Wedding Locations
Wedding Speech Delivery
For those who really want to write their own speech, there are books to help. They will also give you tips on how to deliver it, which is extremely useful whoever did the writing. For the benefit of anybody faced with the task of making a speech here are a few brief pointers on delivery
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